Pandit Deendayal Energy University’s 100 acre campus is located in Gandhinagar, which is the capital city of Gujarat and located 23 km North from a well-developed city called Ahmedabad with a population of 8 million people. The city is famous for its remarkable cultural development and social life.
PDEU offers multiple courses ranging from engineering, arts and management along with maximum exposure and opportunities to its students through various national and international exchange programs with best University worldwide. For development of its faculties and staff the University endeavors for various Joint Exchange and Research programs.
Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) has been established by GERMI as a Private University through the State Act enacted on 4th April, 2007. The University offers programs to address the need for trained human resources in the domains of Science, Technology, Management and Humanities. It intends to broaden the opportunities for students and professionals to develop core subject knowledge which are duly complemented by leadership training interventions, thereby helping the students to make a mark in the global arena. This objective is being further addressed through a number of specialized and well-planned undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programs as well as intensive research projects.