Conclaves and Conferences

Indian for Gas based Economy Opportunities and challenges reviewed

Date: February 2019

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Campus to Corporate program on “City Gas Distribution” for Torrent/ Mahesh Gas

Date: 13th - 17th October, 2018
Venue: PDEU
Trainers: Prof. Anirbid Sircar, Ms. Namrata Bist, Ms. Kriti Yadav, Ms. Mahula Santra,Mr. Subhadip Maiti

A five days executive development program under the umbrella of campus to corporate program on “City Gas Distribution” was organized by SPT faculties and staff. The event was organized for 20 professionals from Torrent and Mahesh Gas limited.

The main technical topics covered in the course were Natural Gas, Introduction to Gas retailing business, CGD value chain, Compressors, Regulatory frameworks and standards of CGD, T4S, Gas transmission and distribution system, CNG infrastructure, Health safety and environment in CGD, Challenges and issues in the CGD business etc. Along with these, the professionals were also trained on the soft skills development. The primary topics were Self management, Leadership, Group Dynamics, Communication etc.

The feedback of the event was very encouraging and positive. They expressed their desire to be associated with PDEU for more such programs.